October 1, 2025
Gillette Stadium

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CoP Session: Containment for Potent Compounds

1:00 PM – 1:30 PM | East Red Level, Suite 20

Containment for Potent Compounds

This presentation will discuss what the Containment COP has been working on and what the future plans for the COP are. It will include an overview of the recently published Containment Guide as well as an update on the SMEPAC document rewrite and future plans. The ISPE Containment Community of Practice (CoP) is focused on further developing ISPE resources for the industry, as well as sharing knowledge and understanding for containment technologies.


Peter Schofield, Technical Sales Engineer, DEC-USA

Peter has worked in the Containment Industry for 25 years, originally as a project manager for Extract Technology in the UK and for the last 15 years as a Technical Sales Engineer for Extract Technology and the DEC Group, covering the East Coast US. He is responsible assessing bid documents, discussing applications with clients and ultimately producing specifications and proposals for various items of containment equipment based on the needs of the project. Peter is a faculty member for the PDA teaching a class on isolator design, and is a long standing member of the ISPE Containment COP.