October 1, 2025
Gillette Stadium

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Session 3: Sustainable Approaches to the Design, Construction and Operation of Cleanrooms and Critical Environments

3:00 PM – 3:45 PM | East Red Level, Suite 10

Sustainable Approaches to the Design, Construction, and Operation of Cleanrooms and Critical Environments

Today, more than ever, it is becoming increasingly apparent that there is a need for a more sustainable future. The pharmaceutical industry has recognized this need and has begun to introduce minimal waste and energy conservation practices. While great progress has been made, it is necessary to continuously review the latest research and technological advancements in order to realize the benefits they make possible. Cleanrooms are inherently challenging when it comes to sustainability. They demand strict environmental controls and procedures to maintain cleanliness often leading to excess energy consumption and resource utilization. Design and operation well above the necessary thresholds is a common practice and a popular risk mitigating strategy. Despite this, there exist design philosophies and material choices that can be pursued to realize meaningful energy savings and significantly reduce the environmental footprint of these critical spaces. This presentation discusses a variety of areas where design, construction materials and operational control strategies can be implemented to achieve energy efficiencies, reductions in waste and lifecycle cost savings. Examining the latest data, studies, and example installations we will discuss how a variety of these approaches can be combined to bring us closer to a net zero future for cleanrooms and critical environments.


Mark Houghton, Vice President – Solutions, Environmental Systems Corporation

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Mark holds an Honours Chemical Engineering degree from the University of Waterloo and started his pharmaceutical career in 2009. He quickly found his passion in commercial roles specializing in the sale of large capital equipment. Mark’s expertise has led to him being a prominent speaker at conferences and a contributor to revising medical device reprocessing water standards. Mark led Cantel Medical’s Bioscience Products sales team for the Americas prior to Steris acquiring the organization in 2021. In his current role as Vice President of Solutions, at ESC, Mark is in charge of sales and business development across all business units.